Sunday, February 9, 2020

interior design company in malibagh

As a leading interior design firm in Bangladesh, Searchmetry takes its obligation to keep its followers updated about all kinds of interior design and decor trends (including living room design) very seriously.
 When you visit someone, what’s the room you spend the most time in?
Alright, maybe that wasn’t the best way to start an interior design blog post – which room you spend the most time in will vary from person to person. However, in many cases, you would spend most of your time in the living room. After all, a living room is defined as the room where one socializes.
 Now you know – for a fact – that your living room is being put under the microscope every day.
After all, every human being has their own interior design dream and when they are in your living room, they will be comparing it to their own design dream, pointing out errors and judging what they like and what they don’t about your living room design. So, clearly, the living room is the room that can make or break the mood of a visitor to your home. And, as a leading Bangladeshi interior design company in malibagh, Imagine Interiors is committed to democratizing interior design company in malibagh and spreading knowledge of interior design among people.
That’s why we’ve decided to tell you about the 9 living room interior design mistakes to avoid in 2019. So when people visit you, they will be amazed at how well your living room is designed! 


Yes, minimalism has been an interior design trend in 2019. So you may think it’s the #trend to not go for a lot of colour in your living room. However, that can prove to be a mistake. A colourless living room can be seen to be soulless and lifeless rather than minimalist.
So, if you are stuck with a little to no colour living room, what do you do?
Don’t just splash paint all around. Proceed in baby steps. In fact, you should start off not with actual paints, but with stuff like coloured pillows and artwork, which are easily removed or changed. Proceed to actual paints (which are much more difficult to remove) slowly. 

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